Widget examples
We recommend using the following CSS code for all widgets
.octany-wrapper { text-align: center; margin: 0 auto; width: 100%; max-width: 600px; border: 0px solid #D5D8DF; }
Donation Widget
This widget is for donations
<div class="octany-wrapper"> <div class="octany-wrapper"> <octany-widget version="2" url="https://app.octany.com" account-id="[ACCOUNT_ID]" product-id="[PRODUCT_ID_1]|[PRODUCT_ID_2]" tab-title="Bli månadsgivare|Engångsgåva" page-title="Ge en gåva varje månad|Ge en engångsgåva" type="iframe" locale="sv" ></octany-widget> <script src="https://app.octany.com/js/checkout.js"></script> </div> </div>
Button Widget
This widget works with subscriptions and donations
<octany-widget version="2" url="https://app.octany.com" account-id="[ACCOUNT_ID]" product-id="[PRODUCT_ID]" type="button" locale="sv" label="Subscribe" price-with-vat="false" ></octany-widget>
Here is a list of all attributes you can set.
The URL to Octany (required)account-id
Your specific Octany account idproduct-id
The product you want to use. We support two values for the donation widget separated by a pipe character (example: 1422|1423)type
button or iframelocale
We support English (en) and Swedish (sv)success-url
Customers are sent to this URL when the payment has been completedabort-url
Customers are sent to this URL if they close Octany without making a purchasereference-id
A custom string which is sent back to your application when using Webhooks or an API endpoint, max 250 charactersreference-name
Works exactly like reference-id, but the name is also visible in the Octany UI, max 25 charactersprice-with-vat
Set this to true if you want to display price with VAT included, defaults to false (type="button" only)amount
Set a custom amount (type="button" only)price-description
Replace the default pricing description ($100/month) in the modal with a custom text (type="button" only)first-name
Prefill postal address line 1line2
2 letter country code, according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2phone
Prefill phone number (Must be prefixed with tel:, example:tel:0701234567
) and is only used for Swish paymentscompany
Check 'pay as company' and prefill company nameparty
which shows the pay as company checkbox (default). Set this value to company to force everyone who pays to specify their company nameaccepted-terms
Indicates that the user already has accepted terms in a previous stepmetadata
Save custom JSON data to the paymentuse-spar
Makes it possible to disable SPAR if it is enabled on the account
Success URL
It is possible to decorate the success url for recurring products, example:
- {firstName}
- {lastName}
- {email}
- {product} – Product name
- {subscriptionId}
- {customerId}
- {total} – Today's total excluding VAT in the smallest common currency unit (i.e cents/öre)