Get subscriptions
Returns a paginated list of all subscriptions
Optional filters
only return subscriptions with a specific reference idemail
only return subscriptions with a specific email address
Example Request
Example JSON response
{ "status": 200, "success": true, "data": [ { "id": 29281116, "customer_id": 15831253 }, { "id": 24381116, "customer_id": 23831253 } ], "pagination": { "count": 20, "total": 27, "perPage": 20, "currentPage": 1, "totalPages": 2, "links": [] } }
Get subscription
Returns a paginated list of all customers
Example JSON response
{ "status": 200, "success": true, "data": { "id": 29281116, "customer_id": 15831253, "price": 29900, "vat": 2500, "currency": "sek", "renews_at": "2020-01-06T14:55:33+00:00", "ends_at": null, "reference_id": "102676", "reference_name": "", "status": "active", "billing_method": { "email": "", "type": "stripe" }, "product": { "id": 1225, "name": "Base", "type": "month", "price": 29900, "currency": "sek", "vat_rate": 2500 } } }
Cancel subscription
A cancelled subscription has a null
value for renews_at
and the status: cancelled
Example JSON response
{ "status": 200, "success": true, "data": { "id": 70212202, "customer_id": 452512733, "price": 59900, "vat": 2500, "currency": "sek", "renews_at": null, "ends_at": "2020-02-17T13:35:14+00:00", "reference_id": null, "reference_name": null, "status": "cancelled" } }
Change product
This will change the subscription product and price to a product with an ID of 1234
. Please note that you can't switch a recurring donation product.